Legends Team Series Week 3

Part A

One male and one female athlete

7 minutes to find:

1 RM ground to shoulder (aka clean)

Part B

One male and one female athlete

7 minutes to find:

1 RM back squat

Part C

One male and one female athlete

7 minutes to find:

1 RM deadlift


The Workout Description

The third event of the Legends In-House Team Series consists of three one-rep maxes to be completed in series as a team. Each team member will only perform one lift.

At the call of “3, 2, 1 … go,” One male and one female athlete will begin to find their 1RM clean.

Once the clock reads 7 minutes, athletes 1 and 2 are done with their attempts and athlete 3 and 4 will begin to find their 1RM back squat. 

Once the clock reads 14 minutes, athletes 3 and 4 are done with their attempts and athlete 5 and 6 will begin to find their 1RM deadlift. 

Once the clock reads 21 minutes, the maximum successful attempt from each athlete during their respective portion will be taken and added toward the total combined weight lifted for the team.  The total overall weight is the score for the team.


*If all six members cannot meet to complete the workout at the same time two (2) members of the team are allowed to make up their portion of the workout at another time, but they must be performing the same lift. 

*Two barbells are allowed for each movement, nut only one (1) athlete lifts at a time.

*Because we have multiple teams with only two male athletes, the teams with 3 males will have their maximum successful attempt across all of the three lifts reduced by a 0.7 multiplier.