Legends Team Series Week 6

As a team complete as many rounds and reps in 20 minutes of the following:

2 Rope Climbs (15ft)

15 Wall Balls (20 to 10ft / 14 to 8ft)

10 Burpees

30 Double Unders or 90 Single Unders

8 Ground to Overhead (95/65)

10 Toes to Bar or 30 Hanging Knee Raises

Workout Notes

At the call of “3, 2, 1 … go,” the first athlete will perform two rope climbs.  When he or she returns to the ground after the second rope climb the second athlete will begin their wall balls.  Upon completion of their fifteenth wall ball the third athlete will begin their designated movements.  This will continue with each athlete being designated one movement for the entire workout.  Throughout the entire workout only one person can complete the exercise he or she completes in round one and the movements must stay in the order listed.   

The final score for the event will be the total number of rounds plus the number of reps in the last round completed during the twenty minutes. 

If a person is unable to complete the workout with the rest of the team the designated movement that person was supposed to complete must be completed by the remainder of the team.  Each person on the team must help in the completion of the absent teammates repetitions in a predetermined order that incorporates each of the present team members.   This order must include all members present and each person must perform the movement before a person can go twice.